Vertical Reflexology
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Short Business Description
Vertical Reflexology Techniques (VRT): a multi award-winning, unique method of weight-bearing reflexology which is briefly applied to the dorsal feet and hands.

Suitable for all ages and conditions. Can be immediately incorporated into classical treatments with no increase in appointment time.

Originator, best-selling author and tutor Lynne Booth, brings 30 years experience to her online and face-to-face classes for qualified reflexologists.

Courses – full syllabus descriptions and booking via the website.

· VRT Basic and Advanced: adaptive techniques to enhance all your treatments, Sleep issues, respiratory/digestive issues, stress/anxiety

· VRT Reflexology and Movement: pain and mobility techniques for all ages, sports injuries, hand reflexology, protocols for older people, children, palliative care.

CPD internationally approved with AoR, FHT, RAoA, RAA, RAC and RABC.
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