Sahara Serenity invites you through a mysterious, emotional musical journey led by solemn piano with distant charming flute melodies.
Sahara Serenity invites you through a mysterious, emotional musical journey led by solemn piano with distant charming flute melodies. Relax with the soft, distant Sahara breeze sounds and float away to the enchanting, melodic harmonies.
Duration: 57 minutes
Written and produced By J A Williams, JJ Music Publishing
Format: MP3 digital download (Royalty-free)
Copyright: Love Reflexology
Please note this music is a digital download and not a physical CD.
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Composer profile
J A Williams is an emerging, colourful and talented pianist and jazz vocalist. His musical interests are wide and his repertoire ranges over classical forms and contemporary jazz.
Jake has taken his decades of experience as a first call jazz pianist and birdsong enthusiast to cover topics including chord/scale relationships, related voicing and much more. Impressionist interpretation is the approach in which Jake as a composer has chosen to represent birds and birdsong in his pieces.