A Whole New Healing World

Hi! Firstly can I say a huge thank to the lovely inspiring Kelly Hainsworth, for publishing this article for the brilliant Love Reflexology community!

When the lockdown was announced back in March, like everyone else the shock hit me quite hard at the beginning.

I had just restarted my reflexology business only a year earlier, as I needed to get back to where I felt my real talents were, and the place I felt I could make the most positive difference to people’s health and well-being.  

I have two other jobs which were also directly affected, and with that came the need to adapt to a whole new way of life! That life involved something that I really hated – technology, but now I have come to accept and embrace it as the future of communication and progress! It’s been a real story of love and hate!

I felt totally useless and felt that I was not achieving anything apart from attending to everyone else’s needs in the house! I sat down in my empty salon at home looking at the couch and thinking, β€˜what do I need to do to feel happy and still make a difference to people with their health and well-being at this awful time?’

Even though the thought of doing anything publicly used to literally give me palpitations, I thought to myself β€˜I’ve got to connect more with people online to help’.

So I pushed myself to create a YouTube channel and posted a video on hand reflexology. I realised that I really wanted to properly connect with people, and empower them to help themselves, and the only way I was going to do that was through online connections.

It has been the perfect time to do this with everyone being at home, spending more time online and thinking about self-care and their health. I decided it was now or never!

I have spent the time developing a whole new side of my business, that I never thought would have existed.

Obviously I couldn’t teach people how to do foot reflexology on themselves through a screen, but as I had started to see some fantastic results, with facial reflexology and facial Gua Sha, this inspired me to reach out to people through Instagram posts with mini instructional videos to see if there was any interest.

I am so excited to say that I am starting to see the seeds of success. I have connected with some lovely new people and this has inspired me to develop my website, which is coming really soon to incorporate self-care facial reflexology and Gua Sha online tutorials, as a permanent future treatment option.

I also want to support other therapists to empower them with the skills to include online tutorials in their businesses. It really is fantastic that even though this is a terrible time, the whole world feels more connected through technology, and as professionals we have a chance to reach out and make a HUGE difference to our clients.

We really are living in a whole new healing world!

Feel free to get in touch anytime if you would like a chat!

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