5 Steps to Spring Clean Your Workspace to Attract More Clients

Spring is upon us and with it, the essence of new energy, the feeling in the air as the flowers begin to bud, a time for growth and new beginnings. The weather is getting a little warmer and the nights a little lighter.

Spring cleaning our workspace, enables us to take part in this growth of new beginnings to open the door to attract in new clients.

Step 1

To start, physically take a look around your workspace, get the duster and the hoover out and clean everything. Dust carries energy particles that can hold negativity and build up in areas in the work space. So initially, on a physical level, you want to check everything is clean.

Step 2

Check any paperwork that is no longer needed, and burn it. Burning paperwork cuts the cords, as paperwork can build up residues of negative energy, but burning allows the cordings to drop away.

Step 3

Then stand in the centre of your workspace and ask yourself, do you feel balanced?

If you feel balanced, your room is balanced. If you don’t, take a look around the room and see if there is anything that needs to be moved to a different place, and if so, move the object to where it feels better.

Or if something needs to be removed from the room, remove it.

Sometimes things in a room can act as a dustbin and collect negative energy and so every so often, they either need to be cleared or disposed of. 

Step 4

Take a seat in your therapy chair and gauge your emotions.

How does the chair make you feel?

What does the energy in the room feel like?

Do you feel calm?

Do you feel happy?

These are the feelings you want your clients to feel after a treatment with you, and if you are not feeling it, your clients won’t. So, take a moment as you sit in the therapy chair and breathe in and out for a few moments with a positive mindset and imagine yourself opening your arms to welcome in new clients.

Step 5

Check the doorway into your therapy room, making sure that there are no blockages, physically or energetically. Imagine opening that door wide to invite in new clients as though you are clearing a path so those who are meant to come to you, will now find you. 

You can attract new clients to your space with the right intent and focus. 

Energy follows thought. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Maria 😊💛

Photograph Credit: Tetiana Shyshkina

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