Content Ideas to Boost Your Instagram Account

During the past few months Instagram has rolled out several changes – and there are still more to come – including the new immersive newsfeed, as the app works hard to compete with TikTok (I think I need to lie down lol).

As a result of these changes most reflexologists and other small business owners have noticed a dip in their post likes and Story views.

Is this you?

I completely understand this may knock your confidence and make you feel like it is not worth the time investment. However, if this has happened to you don’t worry, you are not alone.

It is just a blip and there are things you can do to boost your account.

Instagram can still be great for your reflexology business even with this dip in engagement to help attract new clients, stay connected to existing ones, and sell products. Only this week I have posted two cancellation appointments on my Instagram Stories and booked both; one to a new client and one to an existing client, I have sold Life Armour products and made a great business network connection.

Enjoy my top content ideas to boost your account:

  • Strike Up a Conversation – Boost your Instagram account by creating content that strikes up a conversation with your target audience. The more people who comment, the more your account will become visible to your followers. If you feel comfortable you could do this by sharing something personal a recent high or low, a challenge or success story. Have you successfully overcome menopause symptoms by making positive lifestyle changes? Could you share a story to inspire and connect with your audience? Alternatively, you could share an opinion on a topic that will connect with your audience. Think about topics that could get people talking to you.
  • Recommend – Share a book, podcast, or TV show that you feel your audience would love. These posts are more likely to be commented on, shared with their friends who may like it too, and saved to refer to later (all these activities help promote your page’s visibility and give it a boost).
  • Behind the Scenes – Remember, most people are curious and nosey, so showing behind the scenes to your business is great for getting a response and that all-important engagement. Instagram Stories are a fabulous place for this type of content.
  • Solve a Problem – Think about the common problems your clients are presenting in the treatment room. For example, are lots of clients experiencing difficulty sleeping? How could you use this as inspiration for a social media post? (Remember do not refer to a client(s) by name unless you have their written consent, just talk about the common problem and how you could solve it). It is likely that your Instagram audience will be experiencing the same types of problems as your treatment room clients – so if you create content to solve these problems this is when you will really connect with your audience.
  • Be Inspired – Think about the Instagram accounts you love, the ones you visit regularly and spend time engaging on their content. Evaluate why you like those accounts? What makes you go back and want to connect more? The answers to these questions can inspire you to try something new and take a fresh approach to your content. Remember, being inspired and copying content is different. If you just want to use the content because you love it so much, the right thing to do is to share the post to your Story, tag and credit the account as the creator.
  • Try Something New – If your account engagement has taken a dip, it could be time to try something new. For example, if you have not tried a Reel or co-hosting an Instagram live event before, now could be the time.

These are just a few of the ideas I have to give your account a boost, and I would love to hear if you try them and if they work for you.

TOP TIP: Whilst you are trying these ideas, remember not to compare yourself to other accounts – especially those for larger brands or influencers. They will have a whole team of people creating content for them daily and with lots of professional equipment and resources too.

Be inspired by them but be proud of what you do and use it to connect with your followers.

TOP TIP: You can use these ideas for your other social media platforms too.

And if you feel really stuck with Instagram and need some support to make it work for you, check out my Instagram workshops for therapists.

Kelly x

Photograph credit: Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

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