Posting on Social Media in 2021

The world of social media as you know, is constantly changing and evolving – with different platforms gaining momentum and new features being added to them.

I know these changes at times drive you crazy….. you would much rather be focusing on your clients than trying to work out how to do the latest new feature on Instagram!

I can see you nodding 😉

All social media platforms introduced new features during 2020, especially Instagram which added several features to support businesses and keep us connected, including Guides, Reels and the Shopping Tab. Facebook is now making lots of changes too, including removing page ‘likes,’ and, if you are on Twitter, this platform has recently introduced Fleets (their version of Stories).

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital world is significant; it has fast-tracked the introduction of new features as platforms adapt to support everyone. We are more connected digitally than ever before, with many reflexologists and tutors relying on social media and platforms such as Zoom to keep their businesses moving forwards.

Social media has allowed you to stay connected with your clients during lockdown, support your clients with well-being tips, attract news ones for when you are able to work face-to-face, sell products and vouchers, as well as advertise online services.

It has also allowed you to be part of communities such as Love Reflexology, watch live events from tutors and stay connected with your colleagues.

The pandemic has transformed the way we are all working.

As well as adapting to working in a digital way to support your clients and keep your businesses moving forwards, the types of content people want to see has changed too.

So, how does this impact the way you post for your reflexology business?

Pre-COVID-19 many reflexologists would plan and schedule their posts using platforms such as Hootsuite or the Facebook Business Suite – this was ideal, especially if you were busy in the treatment room with clients.

However, things have changed due to the pandemic.

World events, and national events are changing daily and therefore your followers want content that is unique, relevant, and timely to what is going on in the world and how they are feeling.

Also, when your post goes live, they want you to be online so you can connect with them. They want to talk to you about what they have seen, how they are feeling and if you can help them.

If your posts are scheduled, you are probably not online and will not be able to engage and have a conversation with your followers.

‘Ghost posting’ will not allow you to connect with your audience, support them and get the best results for your business, so you may want to reduce the amount of content you schedule at present.

Therefore, moving into 2021, whilst the pandemic is still very much ongoing, these are the five things to consider when posting:

Be Flexible: If you have scheduled content for your reflexology social media accounts, be prepared to pause the post if world events change and the post is no longer relevant. A post which you may have scheduled three weeks ago may suddenly not be relevant and may even cause offence.

For example, you could have scheduled a post which says, “Happy Monday, here’s to an amazing week”. This post could have been published on the day a lockdown was announced or a day the death rate was particularly high – therefore the tone and content would no longer be relevant and will not connect with your target audience.

They will not feel like celebrating the “amazing week” ahead, they will be looking for posts which understand how they feel, and posts which help them – for example with stress and anxiety.

It is okay to schedule posts, but be flexible, and remember what you have scheduled for when, so you can pause the content if needed.

Build A Community: As we cannot be together in person during the various lockdowns and restrictions, online communities are incredibly important to help us feel connected.

Use your social media pages to build a community with your clients and followers. Support them with the challenges they are facing, listen and engage with them. Think of how you can help them. This will allow them to not feel alone. You can build a community on your pages or even create a private group on Facebook if you want to create a nurturing and safe space.

Ditch the Sales Pitch: Followers on social media no longer want to be ‘sold to’. They want to connect with businesses who share the same values and ethics. For example, if you are a consultant for a company such as Neal’s Yard Remedies, it is no longer enough to post a picture of a product with the price, and expect someone to purchase it.

Followers no longer want a hard-sell, they want to understand more about why you use the products, or be informed about the ingredients in them. They want to be part of the story and understand how the product could help them.

So, if you sell products alongside your therapies, ditch the hard-sell and think of creative ways you can showcase what you are selling and how you can support your followers by telling a story.

Show Empathy: “We are all in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat.” Rev. Joel Jay Villarreal.

This quote is the perfect one to remember before you post on your business page. Even though we are all living through the pandemic, we are all going through a different experience of it. For example, I was chatting with a client who openly admits she is an introvert and is loving this time. She does not feel the pressure of going to social events she really does not want to, she is enjoying time at home doing the hobbies she loves, and feels happier than she has for a long time. Whilst another client is home-schooling her child, stressed trying to work at home and worried about her elderly parents.

Vastly different experiences from my clients, both valid and both real.

So, when you post always consider that not everyone will be feeling the same way that you do, and show empathy in all you put out there. Emotions are running high, so this will help to avoid any upset or challenging conversations.

Be Authentic: Being real, authentic, and showing your individual style and ways of working is what your clients love when they see you in the treatment room. Think of this when posting on your social media pages, let your business pages reflect YOU and your style.

This is something I always encourage therapists who join my Instagram training to do, and they get the best results on social media when they truly express their own style.

Many therapists can become overwhelmed when they view other therapists’ pages, and try to follow a similar style. However, this is not being true to you or what your clients love about you – and can affect your confidence levels.

Being you, being real and showing your authentic self will allow your audience to connect with you more.

2021 will see followers wanting to connect with authentic businesses, who show real life (not always polished and perfect), and show their own unique style.

Go for it and be proud to be you!

As 2021 moves forward through the pandemic, the way you use social media for your business will probably evolve and change too, but that reflects real life doesn’t it – always changing, evolving, adapting, and moving forwards.

My advice for the moment is to be flexible, be prepared to adapt and evolve, be real, connect with your clients, solve their problems, be authentic and have fun.

Use social media to stay connected with your clients and colleagues, to keep your businesses moving forwards and be prepared to make changes if needed.

How do you feel about using social media for your therapy business during the pandemic?

Would you add anything to this list?

6 comments Add yours
  1. Fabulous read as always, thank you Kelly. I am stuck with my social media postings and although I have lots of information to share struggle to find ways to impart that knowledge in a social media interesting format, I am so much better face to face and not keen on creating videos of me talking although I probably need to overcome that fear!

    1. Thank you, Naomi for sharing this. All therapists prefer working with people face-to-face, (you are not alone) nothing beats the human interaction does it! If you would like to work together on your social media presence, please do get in touch for a no obligation chat.

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