LaStone Therapy

LaStone Therapy
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Short Business Description
LaStone StoneSole - AoR Approved & 24 CPD points - LaStone are the originators of Stone Reflexology & Stone Therapy and we have been training therapists for 30 years. Lesley Masterson, LaStone Training Director & Jill Newman, LaStone Lead Instructor.

LaStone teaches Geo-Thermal Therapy which brings balance to the treatment to make the treatments you give even more profound.

It is our knowledge of how temperature affects the body and how to apply stones for the clients & therapists benefit, that makes our training the best available.

Core modules within all of our training include: health & safety, correct temperature parameters for the stones & sanitation to prevent cross contamination.

We harness the natural healing properties within different stones/crystals to add another dimension to stone reflexology i.e. natural FAR Infrared, ultrasound energy, grounding & more.

Our application of the stones enables a longer career without injury from repetitive strain. The stones are used in a completely different way than the thumbs and fingers in a traditional reflexology treatment. If you use small stones the same way as your hands, you will in fact be more liable to injure your body.

We look forward to showing you how LaStone StoneSole can revolutionise your treatments and increase the healing effects on your clients.
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